Andrew Woolfall


Targeting non-compliance

The focus for law enforcement is changing as the traffic commissioners and DVSA review their strategies in light of modern technology. Andrew Woolfall explains

Road Safety

Health hazard

When accidents happen involving falls from height, investigators look for evidence of more than appropriate equipment, training and method statements. Andrew Woolfall explains

Health & Safety Legislation

Turn back time

The immediate aftermath of a serious road accident is never pretty. Andrew Woolfall reviews the processes and tells us what to expect

Health & Safety Legislation

Burden of proof

2014 saw EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval come into full force but misunderstandings remain about what it means and how it affects transport operators. Andrew Woolfall explains

Whole Vehicle Type Approval

Manager means manager

Traffic commissioners and the courts are increasingly focusing on transport managers’ activities when infringements bring them to their attention. Andrew Woolfall explains

Continuing Professional Development

Safe or sorry

Additional compliance burdens – such as those imposed by London's low emission zone, FORS and CLOCS – are already being imposed on operators. Andrew Woolfall examines the new reality and the...

Road Legal

Enforcement order

Although already tightly regulated, drivers and operators are finding themselves subject to new enforcement regimes and tougher penalties. Andrew Woolfall explains

Driver CPC

Workshop worries

Accidents in the workshop are mostly avoidable, if appropriate steps are taken that match well known health and safety procedures. Andrew Woolfall examines the issues and provides advice

Health & Safety Legislation

Front line maintenance

Driver management is key for fleet engineers, transport managers and operators. That's because not only are they the face of your businesses, but also the front line for compliance. Andrew Woolfall...


Don’t do it

Falsifying maintenance or any other documentation in any way may land you in serious trouble, warns Andrew Woolfall

Transport CPC

Red, amber, green

Operators not currently taking their OCRS scores seriously need to do so, if they want to avoid a downward spiral of costs and appearances at public inquires, writes Andrew Woolfall

Operator Compliance Risk Score

Digital download

Proper systems and processes are key to preventing an appearance before the traffic commoners over alleged digital tachograph offences. Andrew Woolfall explains

Road Legal