Chris Tindall


Truck safety systems: camera, action

Video feeds from vehicle cameras are now being combined with truck data feeds to provide extra information about the precursors of traffic accidents. Chris Tindall zooms in on the market

Security Equipment

In a fog about Euro 6? You're not alone

Confused about the emissions benefits of your van’s Euro 6 engine? It’s hardly surprising, given the complexity of the situation and a failure by the government to clear up the uncertainty. Chris...

Road Legal

AEBS comes to the LCV sector

Although fitted as standard in medium and large trucks, AEBS technology is only just starting to trickle down to the LCV sector. Later this year, a new EU regulation is likely to change things. Chris...

Braking Systems

Off the rack

Once described as niche, the market for quick-turnaround, ready-made trucks is one most manufacturers ignore at their peril. By Chris Tindall

Heavy Goods Vehicles