QVS simulates the sound characteristics of an internal combustion engine by emitting a blend of bbs-tek White Sound frequencies and tonal sounds when the electric vehicle is travelling at under 20mph, improving safety for pedestrians and cyclists who would not otherwise hear the vehicle approaching.
With its front speaker and optional rear speaker, QVS changes the pitch according to vehicle speed, closely imitating normal IC engine noise, and multi-frequency bbs-tek technology means the sound is only heard in the danger zone.
The system uses its own 12V or 24V power source and can be retrofitted to most commercial vehicles.
From July 2019, all electric or hybrid vehicles sold in Europe will need to be equipped with an AVAS (acoustic vehicle alerting system) to protect vulnerable road users by emitting sound when the vehicles are travelling at low speeds.
Brigade’s QVS has already won awards, including the environmental prize in November at the Dutch Congress for Sound, Vibrations and Air Quality.