Looking to the future with young engineers at SOE 05 December 2014

The Society of Operations Engineers (SOE) is offering free membership to engineering students and apprentices in full-time study, plus discounted membership for graduates – and a competition, with prizes for novel ideas.

This initiative is part of a drive to get more young people involved in engineering – and understanding that membership of a professional engineering institution is a key step toward advancing their engineering careers.

"When students graduate there is a tendency to be reactive, rather than proactive, about their careers," explains Rachel Grace (pictured), SOE membership and professional standards manager, herself a civil engineer.

"It's so important to keep learning, developing and making contacts, because engineering opens up many amazing opportunities and options, and can lead to a rich and rewarding future," she continues.

"Membership of SOE allows developing engineers to get as much professional experience as possible and to build up their network of contacts."

Benefits of student membership of SOE – which is the umbrella organisation for IRTE (Institute of Road transport Engineers), IPlantE (Institution of Plant Engineers) and BES (the Bureau of Engineer Surveyors) – include:

Access to continuing professional development, career development, and training help and advice.
Opportunities to connect with mentors to help student members explore the range of engineering careers and how to get ahead.
Networking: SOE's regional network holds more than 250 events a year, offering the chance to meet and learn from respected professionals.
Regular access to professional publications and best practice guides: Engineering Careers, Plant Engineer and Transport Engineer, plus e-newsletters from SOE containing latest industry news.

After graduation, members can earn recognition of their expertise through registration with the Engineering Council – an internationally recognised benchmark of competence


From now until the end of December, engineering students and apprentices could win a £50 Amazon gift voucher if they email SOE with their thoughts about what they'd like to get out of being a member.

What are your biggest concerns about graduating and starting to work in the engineering sector?

In what areas do you feel you need most support as a student engineer?

To enter, students need to email membership@soe.org.uk with 'Student membership ideas' in the subject line, by 31 December 2014.

Brian Tinham

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Society of Operations Engineers
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