
Budget announcements ‘a step in the right direction’

Suppliers to the transport sector have broadly welcomed many of the points in yesterday’s spring budget, notably the freezing of fuel duty, the funding for driverless cars and a consultation on the use of red diesel.

“The mention of £270m investment in driverless cars alongside robotics, biotech and broadband is very much welcomed,” says Jon Lawes, managing director of Hitchi Capital Vehicle Solutions. “Investment in current battery technology buried in the small print of this commitment is equally important now.”

Research organisation TRL also described this point as “a step in the right direction”, with academy director Nick Reed (pictured) saying: “The UK government’s continued commitment to the development of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), as well as the 5G networks that will prove vital in supporting them, is very welcome.”

The applications for CAVs, he adds, represent an “enormous market opportunity”, including commercial benefits such as the emergence of truck platooning. However, Reed cautions: “These must be weighed against potential disadvantages, including user confusion, changes in opportunities for employment and threats to equitable transport provision.”

The chancellor also announced that the government is calling for evidence on the use of red diesel, particularly in urban areas. Cold technology company Dearman says many transport refrigeration units use this fuel and are highly polluting.

Deputy chief executive Michael Ayres says: The chancellor’s budget is a step in the right direction for improving Britain’s air quality. We look forward to engaging fully with government’s review on the use of red diesel and showing that zero-emission alternative technologies, such as the Dearman Engine, are available and affordable.”

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