
Goldhofer solves Herculean transportation problem

Heavy-haulage trailer firm Goldhofer and Berard Transportation teamed up recently to provide a solution to the Herculean task of moving two steel oil platforms, weighing 4,000 and 3,500 tonnes, from Louisiana to Alaska.
German Goldhofer came up with two vast self-propelling super-structures, designed for transporting extremely heavy equipment – with, between them, 144 axles and 1,152 wheels. Ivan Collins, sales director of Andover Trailers (Goldhofer's UK distributor), says: "Goldhofer has always thought outside the box and risen to the challenge, however difficult. That said, I'm still impressed at the sheer size and complexity of these structures." And Berard Transportation CEO Johnny Berard adds: "So many factors had to be taken into consideration for this project that it really was quite a mammoth task. We managed it though, thanks to the technical expertise of the designers involved."

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