
Stagecoach Group vows to become cleaner and greener

A sustainability strategy has been launched by Stagecoach Group, aimed at reducing emissions fleet-wide throughout the UK and North America.
The passenger transportation giant is investing £11million in the project, called 'Revolution in the Way We Travel', and says it has a range of targets for both bus and rail networks. Top of its agenda are: the introduction of "eco-driving techniques" for 14,000 bus drivers in the UK; a focus on idling at bus and coach operations in the US; and, specifically for Canada, a roll-out of the Envirox fuel additive, which has already seen a reduction in emissions levels and improved fuel economy in the UK bus fleet. Stagecoach Group puts its target improvements at 8% for CO2 emissions reductions from its buildings and 3% for its annual fleet transport emissions. The announcement follows a reduction in reported carbon intensity of the group's UK businesses of 5.7% in the three years to 30 April 2009. Some 150,000 tonnes of CO2 should be saved during the course of the programme to 2014, according to the company.

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