Courier trials e-bike for last-mile deliveries 04 April 2022

Evri (formerly Hermes UK) is carrying out a trial of a new electronically assisted cargo bike. So far, the results show a reduction in final mile carbon emissions by 89%.

The trial is being undertaken by an Evri courier in Driffield, East Yorkshire who is using it to deliver on his usual rounds to ensure a like for like comparison. The savings have been calculated using the fuel saved by not running the courier’s vehicle and then adding back the carbon used to generate the electricity to charge the battery and the extra food eaten by the courier to power it!

Adrian Berry, Innovation Delivery Manager at Evri, said: “It is early days as this is one of the first trials into this kind of delivery option but the results look extremely positive. Moving forward it may well play a role in our goal to create a network of sustainable delivery options to supplement our current courier model.”

Transport Engineer

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