
Engineering firm lifts efficiency across the business with telematics

Elevator Engineering Services (EES) is reporting significant cost-saving benefits across the business since implementing a telematics system from Masternaut.
The Northampton-based engineering firm is using Masternaut Connect for its mobile fleet across the UK, which, it says, is resulting in improved vehicle tracking, driver monitoring and payroll information. Vehicle idling alone has reduced by 90% in the past year, and speeding and harsh events are being monitored, which the company says has led to a "significant" cut in fuel expenditure. The system delivers start and finish times for staff, as well as arrival times for jobs, boosting accuracy of overtime payments and general payroll for the HR team. "We don't know what we'd do without Masternaut," says Ray Brown, UK commercial director for EES. "It has helped us to extend the life of our vehicles by helping us to educate drivers on how to drive more effectively. "The service has helped us to create efficiency savings that have made the investment well worthwhile."

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