
HGV driver cleared of blame in road rage incident caught on camera

An astonishing road rage incident has been caught on camera, when a motorist swerves in front of a lorry driver before stopping in the fast lane and opening his door to remonstrate with the driver.
The motorist returns to his vehicle, pulls over and takes issue with the HGV driver again, before both exchange details. The incident was captured on the HGV's SmartWitness SCV100GPS camera, and proved that the motorist was to blame. "This video perfectly illustrates why more and more of Britain's fleets now have in-cab cameras," says Simon Marsh, managing director of SmartWitness. "Without the SmartWitness footage, it would be just be a case of one driver's word against another – with a messy insurance claim dragging on for months, with no clear blame established."

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