
J&A Marshall gets a handle on efficiency with Range Ts

Tractor Units
Vehicle handling business J&A Marshall has taken delivery of three 44-tonne Range T460 6x2 midlift tractor units, describing them as “the perfect choice”.

Supplied by dealer Sparks Commercial Services, the Range Ts are supplied on a three-year lease through BRS, marking a change in strategy for the Southampton-based operator which has previous rented vehicles from local suppliers.

The new trucks are moving 150-200 vehicles a week for freight forwarders, car dealers and private individuals ready for export and import through DP World Southampton.

Co-owner John Marshall explains why he opted for Renault Trucks: “Our business works under pressure to meet the deadlines for shipping container vessels and exporting.Deadlines close over the weekend so we are exceedingly busy on Thursdays and Fridays each week.

“We found that the short-term rental agreement wasn’t meeting our needs, so we went shopping. The deal through Sparks, Renault Trucks and BRS provided us with the tailormade solution we needed to run our operation more efficiently.”

Driver appeal was also a crucial factor in vehicle selection, as John explains: “We needed a truck that would attract the best drivers, as well as a competitive deal and first-class reliability. The Range T has been the perfect choice.”

He adds that fuel performance has been an added bonus, despite the short journeys the vehicles undertake: “I have been very pleasantly surprised and we’ve seen a noticeable reduction in our fuel consumption figures.”

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