
Tutex selects Iveco Trakker chassis for new vacuum excavator vehicle

Vac-Con UK distributor Tutex has selected an Iveco Trakker Hi-Land 6x4 rigid as the platform for its new Vac-Con X-Cavator – a powerful vacuum and high-pressure water system which allows companies to locate and safely excavate around utilities.
Gloucestershire-based Tutex will use the Trakker chassis for its European demonstrator and says local dealer Aquila Truck Centres and Iveco showed "a passion for the project" unmatched by other providers. The Trakker is powered by Iveco's Euro 6 Cursor 9 engine, which produces up to 330bhp between 1,600 and 2,200 rpm, and 1,400 Nm of torque between 950 and 1,650 rpm. Jack Page, Tutex sales manager, says: "The Trakker represents the perfect on/off road chassis for the terrain we'll need to tackle... When introducing an entirely new piece of technology to the market, you need a first-class truck you can depend on." Tutex is now taking orders for new Vac-Con units. The first truck will be used as a demonstration vehicle at industry events and will also be available for hire for general contract work.

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