British engineers keep Caterpillar trucks rolling 17 February 2011

US Caterpillar vehicles dealership Whayne Supply is partnering with a small UK engineering firm to increase truck efficiency and decrease downtime.

The firm is Magnom, which is providing magnetic filtration units, for installation in series with traditional mechanical mesh filters, to remove ferrous particles on Caterpillar vehicle engines.

Magnom engineers, led by the company's technology director and original inventor Jobey Marlowe worked with Whayne Supply over three years to develop the filters.

"During testing, we were convinced by the results that adding Magnom units to the machine systems would reduce both operating expenses and unscheduled downtime," explains Whayne's technology division general manager Edwin Downer.

For Magnom's part, Marlowe says that the firm's are designed for exceptionally long life and "capture a surprisingly large mass of ferrous material, filtering particle sizes down to 0.07µ, while never impeding fluid flow". This makes them suitable for cleaning

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Caterpillar UK Ltd
Magnom Corporation

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