Diesel fuel filter system claims significant cost savings 30 August 2013

Kleenoil By-Pass Filtration is looking for operators of large commercial vehicle fleets willing to test its Kleenfuel fuel-reducing aid, which it claims achieves at least a 5% saving and up to 8—10% in adverse conditions.

The company says this "is not a miraculous fuel saver, but just an old technology to optimise a maintenance programme".

"We take a feed from the return pipe to the common rail – with 90% fuel returned to the tank continuously – and take it through the Kleenfuel [filter] and back out and to the tank," explains a spokesperson.

"Kleenfuel cleanses down to 3 micron absolute and removes all water, so enabling perfect combustion," the spokesperson adds.

Kleenoil says the system is quick and clean to install by the firm's own engineers. It offers "barely any interruption to operation, is readily affordable, with a simple maintenance programme that fits into the user's own routine, offering immediate high results".

Further benefits result from running clean fuel, claims the company – such as fewer problems with injectors and pumps, reduced use of SCR (selective catalytic reduction), EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) or the DPF (diesel particulate filter).

Together, it says, that leads to 35% less exhaust emissions, which it claims have been verified by independent tests.

Kleenoil says a trial takes six weeks, with installation running out at about 20 minutes. Initial results, it says, come within days.

"By the end of six weeks – based on most companies' fuel consumption – what you've saved pays for the trial. And in the unlikely event you don't save at least 5%, we will remove the unit and not charge," says the spokesperson.

Brian Tinham

Related Companies
Kleenoil Filtration Ltd

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