FirstGroup reveals engineering graduate line-up14 September 2011

A group of 16 new recruits have embarked on the 2011 graduate training scheme at FirstGroup, more than the Aberdeen-based company has taken on in any other year.

The graduates undertake a comprehensive workplace training schedule over two years at various locations across First's UK operations and within various functions in the company's bus and rail divisions.

"The calibre of graduates we have recruited this year is outstanding. I've no doubt that they all will go on to enjoy successful careers with First," says FirstGroup's head of learning and development Linda Guthrie.

"I have always strived to work for a successful international organisation that has a strong engineering focus," says Tetanya Nedilko, one of the 750 applicants chosen to take on FirstGroup's graduate scheme.

"I'm thrilled to get this opportunity with FirstGroup and hope to progress with the company and become a fully qualified chartered engineer."

Guthrie adds: "Planning has already started for our 2012 graduate recruitment strategy. We will be launching a new look FirstGroup graduate website in October and will undertake a social media campaign for the first time."

John Challen

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