Scania upgrades CCAP22 May 2023

?Scania Cruise Control with Active Prediction A Scania long-haul truck is typically equipped with up to three performance modes: economy, standard and power

Scania has confirmed trucks fitted with its updated cruise control system can save up to 2% fuel on undulated roads while typically maintaining the same average speed.

The CCAP system (Cruise Control with Active Prediction) for Scania Opticruise features increased computing capacity, smarter algorithms and optimised use of map data.

Stefan Dorski, senior vice president and head of Scania Trucks, said: “Our customers can now choose with high precision exactly what they expect their trucks – or drivers – to prioritise, the lowest possible consumption or the highest possible average speed”.

Scania’s CCAP system is known for its capabilities to look ahead and plan the optimal way for a truck to manage uphill’s and downhill’s based on topographical map data. It seeks to avoid unnecessary braking and to utilise the truck’s kinetic energy for rolling over hill crests.

Kurzawscki Modro, director industries and applications at Scania Trucks, said: “Employing these ‘tricks’ may seem simple in theory, but in reality is it an awful lot of parameters that must be considered and processed for reaching an optimal result. Our engineers have managed to make the system a lot smarter, hence making it capable of making more perfected decisions true to the driver’s intentions”.

A Scania long-haul truck is typically equipped with up to three performance modes: economy, standard and power. On top of that, each performance mode can be set at three different levels (shown in the instrument cluster), basically a signal about how hard it should prioritise the actual setting in a given situation.

“A driver that is set to save as much fuel as possible would choose Economy and level 3, which would tell the truck that the driver can accept that the speed drops quite a lot and for a longer time than before when reaching a crest” Modro continued. “But quite often the average speed will still be the same since the truck would now be able to eco roll with the gear in neutral for a much longer period. This setting may not be usable all the time though, like in busy traffic. But the point is that the driver can prioritize to a much greater extent”.

Drivers do not have to go for the most advanced settings in order to save fuel. Also, a more moderate choice – like Standard mode on level 2 – is still expected to offer increased savings compared to former versions of the system.

“The increased computing power and the new, more advanced algorithms will always make a difference”, Modro added. “Drivers will experience a more dynamic speed adaptation, fully in line with their set intention and the actual road and traffic conditions. The truck will pick up and deliver on the driver’s wishes”.

Most Scania trucks that are ordered now with the CCAP functionality will automatically get the new version. Existing Scania trucks can get an upgrade at a Scania workshop, provided that they have the Super-based powertrain that was first introduced in November 2021.

Transport Engineer

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