Technology gives Cirrus a fleet efficiency boost 21 February 2013

Cirrus Communication Systems has introduced TomTom telematics technology as part of a restructuring programme for its fleet operations, aimed at improving health and safety, tackling costs and boosting efficiency.

By monitoring speed and behaviour of its 90-plus mobile engineers across the country, Cirrus expects to promote a safer, more efficient driving style among its employees. As a result, the company aims to benefit from lower fuel bills, lower insurance premiums and reduced maintenance on vehicles.

It also intends to improve customer service through more efficient despatch and workflow management processes.

"Cirrus wants to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those who need to drive company vehicles as part of their job," states Steve Russell, head of Cirrus.

"Through an investment in fleet management technology, we can help mitigate risk and improve driving behaviour."

TomTom reseller One Track UK worked with Cirrus to create a bespoke system incorporating 111 LINK 510 tracking units alongside ecoPLUS fuel management devices.

ecoPLUS takes live data from the vehicle's engine management system to provide managers with a detailed picture of fuel efficiency.

Data on everything from fuel consumption and idling time to gear selection and rpm can be used to profile drivers and improve performance behind the wheel, using the Optidrive indicator.

John Challen

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