Zenobe and Newport Transport electrify depot21 December 2022

Zenobe Newport Transport electric buses depot Zenobe worked with Newport Transport to build the new charging infrastructure and upgraded the grid connection at the depot to support the increased energy demand

Battery storage specialist Zenobē and Newport Transport have installed 16 charging points to support a fleet of 32 electric buses in Wales.

This addition will allow the operator to have all its electric buses on the road at the same time.

Zenobē worked with Newport Transport to build the new charging infrastructure and upgraded the grid connection at the depot to support the increased energy demand. It also provided financing for the infrastructure, the batteries on the Pelican Yutong vehicles, and any replacement batteries required for the contract. The company also implemented its software solution to manage fleet charging and optimise the resulting power requirements.

The electric fleet now makes up 43 percent of Newport Transport’s overall fleet.

Ben Spencer

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