Hankook employees support Transaid cycle challenge 09 September 2011

Two Hankook Tyres employees have signed up to be a part of the Transaid Cycle Madagascar Challenge.

Mike Olsen, product and pricing analyst, and Ben Thompson, sales and customer service advisor, will both be helping to raise funds for Transaid, the international development charity.

In its work, Transaid seeks to reduce poverty and improve quality of life through providing better access to essential basic services such as health, education and economic opportunities in Africa and the developing world.

The Cycle Madagascar Challenge takes place from 15—23 June 2012, covering almost 500km across the landscapes of Madagascar.

"We are really pleased that our colleagues have decided to support such a worthy cause and take part in the Cycle Madagascar Challenge," says Tony Lee, managing director at Hankook UK.

"We have worked in partnership with Transaid since 2006 and always take every opportunity to support them in their valuable work to improve transport across Africa and other developing countries."

John Challen

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Hankook Tyre UK Ltd

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