Transdek takes a load off for major supermarkets23 June 2011

Freight loading specialist Transdek is converting the top 100 stores for one of the UK's largest retailers to accommodate deliveries from double-deck trailers – and has confirmed orders from another two supermarkets.

The company is also in talks with architects from another supermarket around loading systems specialist V2G's (vehicle-to-ground) ability to facilitate new stores without vehicle ramps or raised docks.

The goal, according to Leon Butler, operations director of Transdek UK, is to save on construction costs and minimise back-of-store space. And with the system claimed to be capable of unloading a single deck artics in 45 minutes, loading speeds appear to be equivalent to conventional raised docks.

The system can also be cost-effectively retrofitted, allowing previously 'dead space' to be redeployed as retail space, he says.

The V2G range is supplied as a pre-clad, pre-tested load house unit, providing a ready-made temperature-controlled and secure environment.

"The V2G also offers a high level of future-proofing for distribution operators," states Butler.

"Because of its versatility, it can service any mix of delivery vehicles: both the single deck trailers of today, and the growing double deck fleets of tomorrow."

John ChaLLEN

Related Companies
Transdek UK Ltd

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