Emons rates Shell FuelSave Partner programme 10 September 2010

Netherlands-based Emons, which operates 450 trucks across four divisions (Emons Cargo, Van Huet Glass Logistics, TWO Chemical Warehousing and Logistics, and Emons Recycling Logistics), is recommending Shell's FuelSave Partner scheme for achieving significant fuel economies.

The system involves monitoring driver behaviour and vehicle performance concurrently to bear down on consumption, using technology from Shell.

"This system finally helped us to understand how our vehicles' fuel consumption is impacted by different driving behaviours," recalls Emons fleet manager Roger Reiniers. "Previously we were able to register the overall fuel consumption, but there was insufficient data on specific driver-related factors. FuelSave Partner has enabled training to be tailored to individual drivers and then to focus on the areas for improvement."

Reiniers says the reports and analysis are very detailed, comprehensive and user-friendly, and have allowed his company to take action wherever necessary – to the point that results that have exceeded expectations.

"Within our pilot fleet of 17 vehicles in Emons Recycling Logistics we have seen an average reduction in fuel consumption of 5.3% over six months. For some individual drivers we have seen up to 10% in fuel savings," he states.

"This would also translate into a CO2 saving of almost 90 tonnes for a typical year of operations."

As for how it works, Reiniers explains that an on-board unit on the truck windscreen communicates with the vehicle's digital tacho and CANbus, via the FMS gateway.

Data is reconciled with fuel consumption from the fuel card, which leads to an overview of driver behaviour and vehicle performance. It also ensures that what was paid for at the pump goes through the vehicle.

Data is accessed via an online tool, and Shell reckons a monthly subscription equates to a small and achievable percentage of the savings potential – and with no up-front investment.

The on-board equipment, its installation, links to the digital tacho and CANbus, over-the-air communications, vehicle track-and-trace function and the software and access to online reporting tools are provided.

Brian Tinham

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