Blakedale celebrates year of growth 06 November 2023

Blakedale vehicle fleet

Chorley-based traffic management specialist Blakedale has claimed its vehicle fleet, customer base and revenues have grown in the 12 months since being acquired by Northgate.

New managing director Jon Taylor has overseen the fleet expansion and reconfiguration, which has been extended to offer five different vehicle types based on customer needs. These include traffic management safety cars, electric car derived vans, crew vans, 3.5-tonne light truck mounted attenuator (LTMA) urban crash cushion vehicles and 3.5 and 7.2-tonne traffic management vehicles.

Taylor said: “We have seen our trading customer base rise 40% by rolling out our services to Northgate’s existing fleet customers and gaining new accounts. We have expanded our fleet accordingly and have a strong order bank of several hundred new vehicles.

“The fleet expansion has led to a number of customers trailing cars, vans and trucks for the very first time.”

Blakedale has taken on an additional industrial unit next to its current 20,000 square foot facility in Matrix Park, Chorley, where it is establishing a new parts office, storage, and HGV servicing area to support its IPV assembly line and repair businesses. The unit has also freed up more space to grow its road marker post business.

Transport Engineer

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