CheckedSafe partners with Network Rail 25 September 2023

?CheckedSafe Network Rail

CheckedSafe’s fleet management app is now being used by more than 44,000 Network Rail employees across a fleet of 10,000+ vehicles.

The partnership is said to strengthen Network Rail’s compliance and bolster its commitment to road safety.

The collaboration has also resulted in the creation of a range of custom features and bespoke development. Among these new solutions is an NFC keyring system designed to offer a secure and efficient user identification mechanism for Network Rail’s workforce. This allows for access to individual CheckedSafe app profiles across a variety of devices without the need for email and password login methods.

To ensure the fleet management portal works sufficiently, CheckedSafe has also developed an application programming interface (API) software that allows Network Rail greater segmentation and insight into their nationwide network of vehicles.

CheckedSafe’s Darran Harris said: "This isn't just a big project for us; it's an ever-evolving and unique partnership. It’s fundamentally about changing driver behaviour to ensure our roads are the safest they can be. We've risen to the challenges of managing one of the UK's most extensive vehicle fleets by devising tailored solutions, unique new app functions and developing specialised API software."

Transport Engineer

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