Go-Ahead to receive nearly 300 ebuses 18 August 2023

BYD-Alexander Dennis Go-Ahead

The BYD-Alexander Dennis partnership has taken a repeat order from Go-Ahead London for a further 141 battery-electric buses, taking the total to be delivered to 299 vehicles.

In total, 169 BYD–Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV double deckers and 130 BYD–Alexander Dennis Enviro200EV single deckers are expected to be supplied by the end of 2023, with deliveries already under way. All the double deckers will be 10.8m long, while the single deckers will be built to three different lengths of 9.6m, 10.2m and 10.9m to suit different route profiles and passenger volumes.

The buses combine BYD’s iron-phosphate battery technology and integrated electric powertrains with bodywork and assembly from Alexander Dennis.

They will take the total number of BYD–Alexander Dennis electric buses in the Go-Ahead London fleet to 577.

Transport Engineer

Related Companies
Alexander Dennis Ltd
BYD Europe

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