John Challen

Comment: Enthusiastic engineering

It’s been interesting to see the shift in public perception of electric vehicles and, in fact, other advanced technologies that have been introduced to make our vehicles safer, cleaner and more...

Road Safety

Comment: Normal service is resumed

There was a time during the COVID-19 pandemic when I’m sure some people believed that they would never shake hands with another human being again, or attend any sort of mass-gathering. The ‘new...

Truck Efficiency

IRTE Skills Challenge: Bigger and better

Excitement is building ahead of the next edition of the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge, taking place in June 2024 in Bristol. John Challen looks at what’s new this year and why operators should pay...

Continuing Professional Development

Comment: Back to the future

I was first involved in Transport Engineer back in 2009, when the world was a very different place in terms of commercial vehicle operations.


Not a great year for transport

Stability seems clearly overrated these days, given political turmoil in the UK and beyond, as well as a sudden escalation of violence in the Middle East. Add in high inflation and low growth, and...

Fleet Operating Costs

New rating labels for retreads

New rating labels covering the energy and performance of commercial vehicle retreads are on their way, in a bid to help them gain market traction, writes John Challen

Tyres & Retreads

Charge in the community

Many transport fleets are approaching electrification with some trepidation and often cite infrastructure – or a lack of it – as one of their main concerns. In Scotland, First Bus is providing a...

Electric Vehicles

Vodafone's data network for V2X

After several years of development, Vodafone has launched the first commercial data network in Europe for vehicle data exchange (‘V2X’). What can it do, what other systems are out there and where...

Driver Assistance Systems

Management multi-tasking

Transport operators are constantly looking for solutions that will improve efficiency in every area of their vehicle operations. John Challen enquires if a so-called ‘all-in-one’ solution is the...

Fleet Management Systems

All about roadside inspections

Targeted roadside inspections have led to a general improvement of the roadworthiness of the UK’s truck fleet, but more work is required, reports John Challen

Truck Efficiency

Prepare to pass

Analysing the DVSA data relating to annual test results for small and large HGV and PSV fleets makes for interesting reading, reports John Challen

Road Safety

Fuels and lubricants: HVO is go!

With increased demand for more environmentally friendly transport fleets, HVO has never been more popular. John Challen finds out how this extra interest will affect the supply chain

Alternative Fuels