Transport Engineer is the first choice route to market for suppliers of products and services aimed at commercial vehicle operators, transport engineers and van and truck fleet operators. See Circulation for details of Transport Engineer’s reach and audience profile.
Whether you have a marketing campaign to launch a new heavy goods vehicle, a diesel engine or hybrid, or to introduce the latest range of garage equipment or engineering consumables, the people with real purchasing power in the commercial vehicle market and aftermarket, the people you need to reach, regularly read Transport Engineer and visit the Transport Engineer website.
Transport Engineer offers the best of print, online and email marketing options – with special benefits for our Preferred Suppliers.
Advertiser Spotlight Newsletter
To maximise reader interest in your advertising, a monthly email is sent to all opted-in email addresses on the circulation database (circa. 60 % of the circulation). Inclusion of basic advertising in this email is free of charge to all our series print advertisers, and because email use is tracked, response can measured.
For non-series print advertisers, Newsletter advertising starts at £200 per month.
If you have a special story to tell or a message that simply cannot be put across effectively in conventional advertising format – or you just want to make a real impact around an event of product launch – advertorial pages are a powerful option. A combination of editorial and PR clearly labeled as sponsored, advertorials provide an opportunity to present your case in full detail. Published advertorial pages are reproduced on line with links from the Advertiser Spotlight Newsletter to boost reader interest and lead potential. A low resolution PDF will supplied to the client for its own marketing use..
Advertorial Rates
No resources to write your advertorial? No problem!
For an additional £500/page Transport Engineer can provide one of its writers to produce the content and our in-house studio can design the layout, working to your specification brief.
Special Advertising Options
Alternatives to on the page advertising – such as belly bands, barn doors or gatefolds – are available. Specifications and rates are bespoke. Please talk to us about your requirements.
Inserts are a cost effective way to deliver your promotional material or catalogue – often cheaper than you can post for with more certainty of reaching the right audience. Transport Engineer’s circulation can be segmented in many ways, allowing your event mailer, new product line brochure or general marketing message to be delivered with pinpoint accuracy to your potential customers – by region, by job function, by sector – with absolute confidence of data accuracy.
Complete direct mail fulfillment services are available.
Various web advertising options are located on the home page and all sub-sections of the site. They provide a strong branding opportunity around heavily visited areas of the site and strong product promotion opportunities as potential customers search for and read specific product content.
Rich Media
Rich media allows you to present more active and sophisticated advertising content online. It draws the users to interact with your brand advertisement. The Transport Engineer site is able to present most rich media formats including
Transport Engineer distributes a monthly email newsletter to its registered readers. These are all opt-in subscribers and this regular update provides an opportunity for you to deliver marketing message links directly into their inbox.
Supplier Directory
The Transport Engineer Supplier Directory is a detailed database of suppliers and service providers, including Heavy Goods Vehicles, Buses and Coaches, trailers, exhaust systems, vehicle safety and security systems, fuel management systems, garage equipment, training services, maintenance services and much, much more.
Using our search tool, transport engineers, commercial vehicle operators and fleet managers can search for any product or service by supplier name or category type using industry recognised classification terms or key word search.
Basic supplier information is included in the directory free of charge.
Enhanced listings provide the supplier with a 100 word sales description or company profile, company logo and full contact details.
Preferred Supplier Status
Suppliers spending more than £2,000 per annum with Transport Engineer, which must include some online/Newsletter advertising spend, enjoy the real benefits of Preferred Supplier Status which are:
Preferred Supplier Benefits
Higher traffic figures! Research results and evidence show that most website users typically select suppliers from the first page of results when website sourcing or browsing. On Transport Engineer, Preferred Suppliers’ names will always be presented ahead of other suppliers. Website users simply have to click again to see all other names returned in the directory search results.