A number of vehicles fitted with a 1.0, 1.5 or 1.6 Ecoboost engine and six-speed manual transmission could suffer clutch pressure plate fracture. This results in clutch smell, reduced vehicle speed and performance. In the unlikely event of clutch pressure plate fracture, a noise (thud / bang) could be heard from the vicinity of the transmission, in extreme cases resulting in clutch / transmission fragments being released and striking under hood components, creating a risk of smoke and fire from the under hood area. To prevent the repeated heating /cooling events, a new calibration has been developed for vehicles fitted with Engine Stop-Start feature. The software with the additional feature sets the instrument panel ‘Wrench light’ and de-rates the engine performance if prolonged clutch slip is detected. The software feature includes a drive cycle strategy for latching the wrench light and engine performance de-rate if the customer should experience repeated clutch slip events. For vehicles that do not have the Engine Stop-Start feature, an alternative clutch kit has been released. Number affected: 554. Manufacturer reference: 18S39. Vehicle IDs: WF0RXXWPGRGD78640-WF04XXWPG4JT84047.
DSVA recalls