Peter Tillotson, business development manager of TyrePal, points out that, in collaboration with DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency), police will issue drivers with PG9s for mechanical problems or for poor condition of a vehicle's bodywork and equipment.
The prohibition could have an immediate or delayed effect depending on severity of the issue. If it’s the former, the truck will be immobilised and the driver could face prosecution, he explains.
What matters for TyrePal is that the condition of tyres is included in the categorisation of defects under the PG9 regulation.
Police will issue an immediate prohibition if tyre tread is worn beyond the legal limit, or tyres are dangerously underinflated.
“Unfortunately, many commercial drivers are not aware of how tyre defects and incorrect maintenance can affect their credibility as a safe road user,” says Tillotson.
“Being issued a PG9 can have a serious effect on a driver's operator licence,” he continues.
“Ifthey fail to notify the traffic commissioner of a PG9, or they do not provide a satisfactory and comprehensive explanation as to why the notice was issued, drivers also run the risk of being registered as an amber or red operator on DVSA’s OCRS (Operator Compliance Risk Score).”
The easiest way to manage tyre pressure and ensure underinflation is not causing damage, is to use a TPMS [tyre pressure monitoring system],” advises Tillotson.
A TPMS continuously monitors tyre pressure and temperature and warns the driver when they exceed preset levels.
TyrePal supplies a system designed to monitor up to 22 wheels on an articulated HGV combination.