
Elddis optimises fleet with Freeway software

Elddis Transport is rolling out new mobile working technology from Freeway Fleet Systems to gain a real-time insight into the status of its fleet.

Elddis specialises in the storage, supply and delivery of consumer goods for supermarkets and retail outlets. Headquartered in Consett in County Durham, the company operates a fleet of 150 vehicles and 360 trailers with additional depots in Heywood and Doncaster.

As part of a fleet maintenance system, workshop fitters are being equipped with rugged tablets to replace paperwork. Freeway also receives daily vehicle inspection data from mobile devices used by drivers.

Through integration between Freeway and the Mandata transport management system (TMS), transport operations are expected to receive 24/7 visibility of the status of the fleet.

Elddis fleet manager Alan Henderson said: “With the digitisation of the workshop we are closing the information loop giving us 24/7 visibility on the status of the fleet. Freeway is proving invaluable as it links engineers with transport planners. This means we can reduce vehicle downtime and ensure the fleet is always operating at maximum efficiency and safety.

“For management, Freeway allows us to see the pressure points of resources so we can smooth things out. It’s a tremendous resource that allows us to better manage and optimise the use of all resources; assets and labour.”

Freeway is said to help Elddis manage around 60 preventative maintenance Inspections (PMI) and MOT preparations each week. Freeway stores parts data and builds records of use and performance over time. Through the mobile app Freeway, fitters have access to historical maintenance information so they can spot recurring defects.

Additionally, Freeway has integrated with North East Trucks Spares, enabling automated replenishment of stock used in the workshop. Elddis is also planning integrate Freeway with their local Mercedes dealership.

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