The programme, says Lytx, is a “comprehensive video telematics solution”, combining video capture of incidents, data analysis and personalised coaching insights to enable fleet managers to improve driving behaviour.
Ensign’s fleet operates on some of the most congested roads in the South East and, says driver training and standards manager Mark Turner-Monk, “policy premiums were going through the roof and we had to demonstrate to our insurance company that we were doing everything we could to limit our exposure to claims”.
Ensign first installed a telematics solution which produced “mountains of useless data”, according to Turner-Monk. “It would tell us there was a hard brake incident at, say, 9:55 on Tuesday. But what happened? … The raw telematics data system just didn’t give me the information that I needed to help my drivers understand and improve their driving.”
Ensign then installed the Lytx DriveCam programme, “a training tool, not a disciplinary tool”, says Turner-Monk, which enables him to focus on the ‘why’ and coach drivers with specific, data-supported insights.
Once captured, clips are uploaded and analysed by reviewers, who then deliver the clips along with coaching insights to a web-based workspace. “We know quickly what happened and why. We can identify and address the issue and get on with coaching the driver concerned,” he adds.
It’s already proving popular with Ensign’s insurance company, as claims-related events with passengers have fallen by a third.