
First DVSA vehicle inspectors receive irtec accreditation

The first group of DVSA (Driver Vehicle Standards Agency) vehicle inspectors have now graduated, having completing the IMI Quality Assured Award DVSA Vehicle Inspection Programme, which gives them a full licence to test vehicles.
In January 2014, DVSA announced that all DVSA vehicle inspectors will undertake the training and assessment programme, aimed at setting a high industry-recognised benchmark of competence, and leading to irtec accreditation over the next two years. The graduation event, which took place in DVSA Cardington Training Academy, saw 23 vehicle inspectors accredited, having studied and compiled personal portfolios over six months. DVSA Chief Executive, Alastair Peoples presented the graduates with their certificates and wished them well in their career with DVSA. Chief operating officer Vehicle Testing and Enforcement, Alex Fiddes, head of learning and development, Peter Hearn and head of education, Dave Easton also attended the graduation, as well as representatives from the IMI (The Institute if the Motor Industry) and SOE (Society of Operations Engineers). "I'm delighted to be part of the first DVSA Vehicle Inspection Programme – IMI Quality Assured Award," commented Peoples. "I see investing in staff learning and development as essential in keeping vehicles safe, providing great customer service and maintaining the high reputation of the agency," he continued. "It's particularly gratifying to be collaborating with organisations such as IMI and SOE [the umbrella organisation for IRTE, the Institute of Road Transport Engineers], whom the industry we serve hold in such high regard." "It's been very rewarding receiving this award. I see training as pivotal to the way DVSA is moving forward," comments John Lewis, DVSA Vehicle Inspector, Liverpool: And Ian Millington, DVSA Vehicle Inspector, Wrexham, adds: "I'm very proud. I've been a mechanic for 30 years, starting out at 16 in the bus industry.

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