
Fortec weighs in against HSE ruling

Fortec Distribution Network says the government’s recent decision not to set a maximum weight limit for pallets is “disappointing” and could pose a safety risk.

Fortec says it was the first pallet distribution network to impose a 750kg weight limit, in October 2015, and is committed to retaining this, despite the Health and Safety Executive’s decision.

“If HSE had ruled in favour of the 750kg restriction it would have been a significant improvement on the current situation,” says Craig Johnson, Fortec’s business unit director.

“We implemented the 750kg maximum for tail-lifts for a variety of reasons, one of the prime reasons being the health and safety of the people working in our network.

“We worked very hard with our members and their customers to introduce the restriction and despite the HSE not imposing a maximum weight we will still maintain our operations at this standard.

“Safety is our first priority and we will continue to ensure people’s welfare is at the forefront of our operations.”

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