Allowing identification on a single unit level and guaranteed across the lifetime of each tyre, digital information will be readable by all stakeholders and users and cover tyre manufacturing, logistics, OEMs and distributors and wholesalers, fleet management, quality assurance, retreading and end-of-life.
All information will be collated through the Tire Information Service (TIS) system which has been created by the Global Data Service for Tyres and Automotive Components (GDSO), a non-profit association dedicated to the standardisation, simplification and sharing of data related to tyres.
The executive and members of the GDSO comprises 12 manufacturers whose initiative is to define and outline a global standard for tyre data and a global technical solutions for retrieving data from participating companies.
The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation first created the first project group looking at TIS in 2017 with Giti Tire joining the project in 2019. This led to the creation of the GDSO in 2022 with the manufacturer becoming a full member in 2023.
Initial tyres to come to market with RFID tags include the Giti GSR237EVO and Giti GDR675EVO, two new Combi Road products delivering vastly improved Rolling Resistance Coefficient (RRC).
In its mixed service line-up, the recently launched Giti GDM687 drive tyre and Giti GAM838 new generation steer, which is available early 2025, will also carry the RFID chips.
Antonio Palummo, TBR senior engineer - Europe for Giti Tire, said: “Through the GDSO, Giti Tire is actively participating in open communication by sharing required tyre information to create new services for a safer and more sustainable mobility journey.
“Through a standardised system of information sharing with major tyre manufacturers, the GDSO can improve the way tyre specifications are communicated between manufacturer and customer to improve accuracy, reduce time required for tracking and reporting and minimise the chances of human error.
“Digitisation is the catalyst the future development of the tyre industry, and the ability to track and share information is the key to assure circularity and compliance with automatic and sustainable environments.”