Called Trucksynth 10W-40, the product is also compatible with Euro IV and V engines, making it ideal for mixed age fleets.
“As a fully-synthetic lubricant, TruckSynth 10W-40 has been carefully formulated to optimise the benefits brought by AdBlue, EGR and DPF systems, as well as working perfectly with existing emissions-reducing engine technologies,” explains Thomas Katsoulas, platform manager for the Brighouse-based manufacturer.
TruckSynth 10W-40 is available in 5L, 20L, 205L, 500L, 1,000L or bulk.
It has OEM approval for MAN M 3477, Volvo VDS-3, Mack EO-N and Renault RLD-2. It also meets ACEA E6 & E7, API CI-4, MB 228.51, Cummins CES 20076 & 20077, Scania Low Ash, MTU Type 3.1 and CAT ECF-1-a specifications.
High quality base oils and additives help to ensure that oil is circulated swiftly at cold start-up, yet still provides maximum film strength even in the most arduous conditions, says Millers.
The company also has a technical helpline to advise users on the best product for a single vehicle or fleet.