
Operators trial Mercedes eActros truck

Publish Date: Updated Date: Electric Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles
Mercedes-Benz has announced that ten of its fully electric eActros trucks will begin on-road trials with operators in the next few weeks.

The customers, in Germany and Switzerland, will test ten vehicles in two variants, with gross weights of 18 or 25 tonnes. The trials will last for 12 months; a second year-long trial will follow, after which the manufacturer expects to begin series production in 2021.

“We are now passing both two- and three-axle variants of our heavy-duty electric truck, the Mercedes-Benz eActros, into the hands of customers,” says Stefan Buchner, head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks. “Initially the focus will be on inner-city goods transport and delivery services – the ranges required here are well within the scope of our Mercedes-Benz eActros.”

“Compared with our prototype, quite a few technical changes have been made: the power supply is now ensured by eleven battery packs in all – and wherever possible we have used already proven components that are ready, or very close to ready, for use in series production,” he adds.

The eActros drive system comprises two electric motors located close to the rear-axle wheel hubs. They give an output of 125kW each, with maximum torque of 485Nm each. The gearing ratios convert this into 11,000Nm each – resulting in driving performance comparable to a diesel truck, says the manufacturer.

The vehicle’s range is said to be 200km, with the batteries accommodated in eleven packs: three are located in the frame area, the other eight underneath. For safety, the battery packs are protected by steel housings which give way in the event of a collision, so avoiding battery damage.

Batteries can be fully recharged within three to 11 hours, given a charging capacity of 20 to 80kW from a mobile charging device at a fleet depot.

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