
Renault Trucks adds safety features to range

Publish Date: Updated Date: Road Safety
Renault Trucks has equipped its urban and regional range with new features in a bid to enhance the safety of drivers and vulnerable road users.

To effectively collect waste, distribute goods or carry out light construction work, Renault Trucks D, & D Wide, C 2.3, and Renault Trucks E-Tech D, D Wide and D Wide LEC frequently operate in densely populated city centres, where space for trucks is becoming increasingly scarce.

The grab handles and the position of the rear-view mirrors have been adjusted to improve line-of-sight, making it easier to negotiate narrow streets. The radars and cameras fitted all around the vehicle provide real-time information and, if necessary, alert the driver, further contributing to safer and easier driving.

In addition, the inclusion of features such as automatic tyre pressure monitoring, lane departure warning, a lane keeping system and speeding alerts enhance on-road safety.

Finally, for improved visibility and safe driving, the trucks are equipped with new rear-view mirrors.

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