From next year, coach operators will be able to specify Plaxton's top-selling Panther body on the Scania K360 underframe.
The Scania Panther SE will be a 12.8m long, top of the range coach, typically configured with 53 reclining seats, with a centre sunken washroom, or with 57 recliners in fully-seated coaches. Also available will be a DDA compliant 12.3m version.
"We are keen to appeal to the widest possible range of operators, and working with Scania adds an attractive option to the Plaxton coach line-up," says Kevin Wood, Plaxton's sales and marketing director.
"By working with … Plaxton, we are able to offer operators greater choice and an attractive new model," comments Bob Nevitt of Scania.
The K360 has a 360bhp Scania DC9 engine, with EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) for Euro 5 emissions, matched to a Scania OptiCruise transmission.
First Scania Panther SE coaches will be available next spring, with sales handled by both Plaxton Coach Sales at Anston, and Scania's Worksop-based coach sales team.