Product Launches

Tackling tyre tread trouble can save thousands

Tyres & Retreads
TreadReader, available from Sigmavision, is claimed to significantly reduce fuel and tyre costs by accurately measuring wear, diagnosing problems and predicting tyre service life.
The laser-based device, being marketed in hand-held scanner and drive-over ramp versions, is also said to reduce CO2 emissions and improve road safety. Sigmavision says that results from a three-month study indicate fuel and tyre savings of £4,500 per tractor per year – which, for a site of 100 tractor units, means the equipment pays for itself in less than nine weeks for the ramp version. The firm makes the point that, as tyres wear, so rolling resistance reduces, leading to fuel efficiency improvement of up to 10%. However, tyre lifetime can halve with incorrect inflation, wheel misalignment, worn suspension and aggressive driving.

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