
Commercial Vehicle Show cancelled

CV Show
The Commercial Vehicle Show 2020 has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The event was due to take place at the NEC, Birmingham from 28-30 April, but organisers took the decision to cancel the event last week (19 March) after the government issued advice to avoid mass gatherings.

In their statement, the organisers said: “The option of postponing was given careful consideration given the importance of the show to the road transport sector; however, it was felt there were too many unknown variables to make this option possible. As ever, our priority is to ensure the health and safety of all those involved with the show.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our exhibitors, registered visitors, show team and other stakeholders for their continued support during this most challenging and unprecedented of times.”

The CV Show is owned and organised by IRTE Services, part of the SOE, the Road Haulage Association and the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders.

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