
SAF-Holland takes control of Haldex

Following a public tender offer to Haldex shareholders in summer 2022, axle manufacturer SAF-Holland declared its offer unconditional – which means successful -- on 18 August.

SAF-Holland, which is based in Luxembourg, now controls more than 90% of the total number of shares and votes in Haldex and intends to squeeze out the remaining shares. On 18 August, the total number of shares was 48,637,567, of which Haldex owns 11,705.

In addition, the board has applied to de-list the company from the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange.

Haldex has invited shareholders to an extraordinary general meeting on 14 September during which voting will take place on proposals to dismiss the entire current Haldex board and replace them with three board members, SAF-Holland’s CEO (Alexander Geis), CFO (Wilfried Trepels) and a vice-president (Joerg Wahl).

The deal follows last year’s acquisition of WABCO by axle manufacturer ZF.

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