
Seven-brand electronic parts catalogue published by TecAlliance

Despite the prevalence of vehicle manufacturer-derived electronic parts catalogues (EPC), they generally rely on a variety of search methods to identify a replacement part, which for wholesalers and CV workshops servicing and repairing multi-brand fleets, makes the identification process time consuming, laborious and not cost-effective, says TecAlliance, publishers of TecDoc Catalogue, a replacement parts identification document.

In response, TecAlliance has developed the TecDoc VIN Catalogue – Truck, a commercial vehicle-specific resource that simplifies and unifies the search process for fast-moving items for the main seven brands, according to key account manager for UK and Ireland Jason Meade.

He says: “We have determined which parts should be listed by analysing existing data to find the most popular searches. By basing its criteria on the vehicle identification number (VIN), TecDoc VIN Catalogue – Truck users can identify the exact vehicle for which the part is required without relying on an OEM-specific EPC. This not only saves time by not having to switch between catalogues, but makes the search method consistent.

“In addition, as TecDoc VIN Catalogue – Truck is an online system, it can naturally be incorporated into an existing website to provide a fully integrated e-commerce solution, which enhances the user experience and increases online ordering and paperless transactions, and further contributes to business efficiencies.”

One early adopter is Uxbridge, greater London-based DB Auto Consultancy. Proprietor Dave Burgess enthused: “The biggest single benefit that the TecDoc Catalogue has brought my business, is significantly reducing the returns, which has naturally increased our overall efficiencies. As all wholesalers will be very aware, part returns and the problems they create, as well as the costs they subject a business to, are some of the fundamental issues when it comes to profitability, particularly in an industry as fiercely competitive as ours and with such small profit margins.

He continues: “The specific nature of the search criteria, combined with the accuracy of the data in the TecDoc VIN Catalogue – Truck, allows us to precisely identify the correct replacement item, which means, for example, that we don’t have to supply more than one part reference to cover the possible options. The system uses the VIN and is easy to use and reliable, as this method identifies the precise vehicle and the associated original equipment part numbers for its various components. From this information, TecDoc’s official data suppliers match their products, which allows us, as a catalogue user, to choose the ideal replacement part for our customers, from a broad range of suppliers.”

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