
World’s first high-speed amphibian taxi gets Thames demo

What is claimed to be the world’s first high-speed amphibious river taxi took to the Thames yesterday (23 May 2016) at Canary Wharf in front of potential taxi licensee firms.

In fact, Gibbs Technologies demonstrated four of its high speed amphibian (HSA) vehicles: the taxi (dubbed Humdinga); sports amphibian (Aquada); quad bike (Quadski); and utility 4x4 (Terraquad).

The vehicles can all exceed 30 mph on water, as well as achieving normal road speeds on land -- and transition between the two in less than five seconds, at the push of a button.

“We are very excited to be in talks with a number of potential licensees worldwide, but particularly, businesses in the UK with a view to developing the first ever high speed amphibian river taxi,” says Neil Jenkins, chairman of Gibbs Technologies.

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