A total of 36 vehicles will be joining the fleet as AA six-seater crew cab recovery vehicles, with the traditional yellow AA livery.
The other 13 take MAN’s L cab and will be liveried in silver, for ASS’s prestige vehicle accounts.
“The AA chose MAN on a mix of pricing with the added experience of running a smaller number of 34 trucks since 2012,” comments Chris Wiltshire for the AA – explaining that previous running cost data was convincing.
”This and [its] reliability track record demonstrated the MAN product was a good fit with our truck fleet,” he adds.
All the AA’s new vehicles were specified with front steel suspension and air suspension to the rear, with the 4.6 litre four-cylinder engine as standard.
”The air sprung cab gives added comfort to the driver and those customers we carry,” continues Wiltshire.
“These trucks have a fixed-to-chassis body with a low approach demountable slidebed, which enables ease of loading and enhanced security of very low profile sports cars and other prestige marques,” he adds.
The addition of the new trucks brings the total for MAN on the AA’s fleet to 83.