The six-year H2ME 2 (Hydrogen Mobility Europe) project involves 37 partners from throughout Europe, which will together deploy 1,230 fuel cell vehicles and 20 hydrogen refuelling stations across Europe.
The partners will also test the ability of electrolyser hydrogen refuelling stations to help balance the electrical grid, with support from FCH JU (the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking), and funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 programme.
This latest project builds on Cenex’s involvement as a central partner in a first H2ME project, H2ME 1, set to deploy 300 vehicles and 29 hydrogen refuelling stations around Europe.
Under H2ME 2, Cenex will also support the dissemination of information and recommendations to stakeholders, working with consortium partners to allow policy-makers, early adopters and the hydrogen mobility industry to validate technology for commercial rollout.
“H2ME 2 ... brings together multiple businesses and public bodies to work jointly on the common goal of making hydrogen-fuelled transport in Europe a reality,” comments Robert Evans, CEO of Cenex.
“Together with our work on E-mobility and gas as a transport fuel, the H2ME projects are key exemplars addressing the present and future viability of alternative fuels as sustainable solutions for European road transport.”