
Fuel cell EV vans and cars get €32 million go ahead

Some 200 fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), 125 fuel cell range-extended electric vans (FC RE-EV) and 29 hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) are to be deployed across Europe and Scandinavia under a new Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME) project.

H2ME is co-funded with €32 million from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, and involves a coalition of European partners – H2 MOBILITY Deutschland, Mobilité Hydrogène France, Scandinavian Hydrogen Highway Partnership and UK H2 Mobility.

The consortium, led by Element Energy, includes global leaders in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector, from fuel cells and car manufacturers – Daimler, SymbioFCell, Hyundai, Honda, Intelligent Energy and Nissan – as well as infrastructure providers Air Liquide, BOC, H2Logic and ITM.

Cenex (the UK’s Centre of excellence for low carbon technology) and WaterstofNet) will be providing for dissemination.

The original agreements for the project were signed in July this year and the project has already delivered the first vehicles to customers in France and Germany (Daimler, SymbioFCell).

“To bring fuel cell and hydrogen technology to the point of market readiness does require Europe wide coordination and financial support for the first movers,” comments Bert De Colvenaer, executive director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

“The Joint Undertaking is therefore keen and happy to support the implementation of this important project as part of the early Europe-wide deployment of fuel cell hydrogen vehicles.”

“The H2ME project is a fantastic opportunity to develop the refuelling infrastructure in the UK,” adds Dr Rachel Smith, executive director, ITM Power and coordinator for the UK activities under H2ME.

“The project is perfectly timed to coincide with the introduction of fuel cell cars in Europe, enabling evaluation of end-user experiences of hydrogen stations and FCEVs,” she continues.

“The UK Consortium, led by ITM Power, is delighted to participate in this project and to demystify the role of hydrogen, show the readiness of the stations and vehicles, and to enable the widespread and rapid adoption of clean emission transport.”

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