
CHIC solution to fuel cell buses

Publish Date: Updated Date: Alternative Fuels Bus & Coach
Fuel cell electric buses are ready for commercialisation and offer an ideal solution for cities to decarbonise their public transport fleets.

That’s the key message in the final project report from CHIC (Clean Hydrogen in European Cities), which has released its recommendations ahead of the six-year bus project’s conclusion next month.

The report was launched at the International Zero Emission Bus Conference, in London, yesterday (30 November) and it aims to give cities and bus operators a clearer picture of the benefits and challenges of fuel cell buses.

As part of the project, 26 fuel cell electric buses have been deployed across Europe, along with hydrogen refuelling stations in Europe and one in Canada.

The report admits that there are costs, technical issues and regulatory challenges, but suggests these can all be overcome with the right action from operators, technology providers, and regional and national policymakers.

Kerstin K Müller, Daimler Buses - EvoBus, coordinator of the CHIC project, says: “We are very proud of the achievements of CHIC. The project has proven that fuel cell electric buses are far from being a research project and are ready for commercialisation.”

The report is available on the CHIC website (see link below) and additional information for operators is available at

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