
LowCVP website resource sees major upgrade

LowCVP (the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership) has upgraded its website, with new functionality for members and non-members.
Apart from a library of nearly 2,000 news stories, there are also more than 3,000 reports, presentations and resources, charting road transport's progress in tackling climate change in the decade since LowCVP's foundation. Most interesting are: LowCVP's new 'Projects' section, providing details of currently activities; and video commentaries from webinars and LowCVP's YouTube channel. There's also greater integration with social media, including Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, as well as improved search functionality, powered by Google, and generally improved access, content and visibility. LowCVP managing Director, Andy Eastlake says that, in addition to the new website, the organisation is working on other initiatives designed to improve the experience and value for members. "The new LowCVP website will provide our members with a more effective and easy-to-use area for networking, information-gathering and planning for partnership meetings, as well as providing more opportunities for them to showcase their products and ideas," he states. "It will also give visitors to the website more of an insight into what the LowCVP is working on at a project level," he adds. The website also includes links to a new on-line Low Carbon Automotive Directory (LCAD) LCAD – hosted by the LowCVP on behalf of BIS and UKTI. This resource is designed to link businesses and stakeholders in the low carbon automotive arena. To access the sites, use the links below.

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