
Platooning and DVS lead agenda at FTA Fleet Engineer 2017

Road Safety
Platooning, low carbon vehicles and London’s Direct Vision Standard are among the topics to be discussed at FTA’s Fleet Engineer Conference, sponsored by Brigade Electronics, Goodyear Tyres, Texaco and Volvo Trucks.

Bringing together key industry figures, the conference will provide delegates with an exclusive opportunity to hear the latest developments in low carbon vehicles, platooning, career development, forthcoming maintenance legislation changes and best practice advice. It is said to be ideal for those responsible for specifying commercial vehicles, ensuring roadworthiness compliance and maintaining vehicles.

In addition, the conference will cover platooning, DVSA’s Earned Recognition scheme and digital data, and the Bath tipper tragedy – lessons learnt and implications for the industry.

The conference will be held in the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on 28 November.

IRTE members qualify for the discounted rate of £275+VAT when quoting their membership number.

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