
Renault launches premium race truck for the road

Having seen success with its special edition Premium Truck Racing model in 2011, Renault has unveiled a 2013 version of the truck for the road.
Renault says the decision to renew its Premium Truck Racing special was influenced by recent victory in the 2012 team championship. MKR Technology-Renault Trucks triumphed and will be looking for a strong start once again, when the season begins in Misano, Italy, on 18 May. The Renault Premium Truck Racing special 2013 series is available as a 6x2 and 4x2 tractor unit, fitted with a DXi11 460bhp engine and the Optidriver+ automated gearbox. The DXi11 engine differs slightly from the racing version, but the two are related, as Maxime Le Bech, Renault Trucks Racing's engine designer explains. "More than 80% of the racing engine is based on the production engine, as required by FIA regulations," he says. "The strength of the DXi11 lies in the maximum torque it delivers at low engine speeds. Whether on the racetrack or the road, we have the same aim: reliability and performance."

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