
Van Excellence 2014 – dates announced

The Freight Transport Association has announced dates for its 2014 Van Excellence conference, which will take place on 8 April in London and 10 April in Manchester.
At this year's events, VOSA informed delegates that it would be undertaking a programme of targeted enforcement checks on vans throughout the country and cited overloading prohibition rates of 75%. With this in mind, one of the key sessions for the 2014 conference will focus on load security and overloading. Mark Cartwright, FTA's head of vans and logistic buyer relations, says keeping within legal weight limits is a challenge for many operators: "It is vitally important that we focus load security and overloading at the Van Excellence conferences to ensure best practice is identified for all." Other conference sessions will focus on cost management, how to reduce the risk of in-cab distractions, lowering your carbon footprint, and technology developments in telematics and driver behaviour. FTA is offering a discounted rate of £200 plus VAT for places booked before 8 February. For more information or to book, click on the link below.

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